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"This is fifteen minutes inside one of Steve's photographs".

Spoken word performance by Grant Morrison
Music by Ysanne Spevack
The Colville Place Gallery,
London W1. 09.05.02 

Look closely...Every picture tells a story.

Death of a President (above) bears the date 04.14.65. Could this signify that the picture was taken using modern photographic equipment on April 14, 1865? The poster in the shop window advertises the theatrical performance that Abraham Lincoln was attending the night he was assassinated. How is the mysterious lady in the image connected to this fateful event?

Jeanne d'Arc sits serenely at Rennes le Château, home of the Knights Templar. What hidden depths lie within her and beyond her? Layers of time and intrigue both illuminate her true essence and cloud her story.

The Proposition bears witness to the first meeting of a couple divided by time itself. Partly obscured by the curtain we can see figures from Poussin's painting, Les Bergers d'Arcadie. This seventeenth century tableau depicts Rennes le Château in its rugged mountainous landscape. Similarly, the lovers in What Thou Wilt have hung the very same masterpiece in their bordello. Unravel the hidden symbolism, and these four seemingly disparate individuals are revealed to be linked not only to each other, but to Jeanne d'Arc as well.

All images in the ALTERNITY series are digital remixes of Steve Cook's own photographs with original antique carte de visites and found photos. Andy Warhol was photographed by Cook at a party in London's Heaven nightclub the year before Warhol's untimely death. John F Kennedy's appearance in Escape from Dealey Plaza owes itself to a photo Cook took in 1990 of a strikingly convincing bust of the late President's head. The alternative reality presented by this haunting image raises new questions about JFK's tragedy, opening parallel commentary along the lines of the Greek tales of antiquity.

Other guest stars appearing in the ALTERNITY series have either posed specifically for this project or have been selected with their permission from Cook’s own extensive negative archive. They are:

William Orbit Musician and producer, respected for his work on the classic Madonna album, Ray of Light.
Valeria Dragover The world's first fetish supermodel. 
Sophie Aldred British actress known for her role in the BBC’s Doctor Who.
Ina Otzko Visual Artist from Northern Norway.
Caroline Ridley-Faux Socialite and débutante.
Grant Morrison MBE, one of comics' greatest innovators.
Dr. Betti Marenko A transdisciplinary theorist, academic and educator.

All other participants have waited a hundred or more years to appear in this project. Their time has come!
Meena Ysanne 2002

Another Time relative project...